
21/01/2025 Tuesday
Shri Gurudev Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's

Yeola, Dist. Nashik, Maharashtra, India, 423401

1. All the students admitted to college need to become member of the library to avail the library facility.
2. For library membership students should produce the fee receipt of the current year against which they get I- card and borrower cards to avail
the library book borrowing facility.
3. Every student must possess identity card while making use of library services and facilities and has to produce when demanded be the library staff.
4. The book limit for students is 2 at a time for 15 days
5. If a student wishes to retain any book for more than the specified period, it may be reissued to him/her, if others do not need it.
6. If a student loses a book, either the book should be replaced or he/she should pay the amount if the book is not available or out of print.
7. Reference Books will be issued only to T Y B Sc. Students
8. All the books issued to the students must be returned once end examination is over.