
20/02/2025 Thursday
Shri Gurudev Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's

Yeola, Dist. Nashik, Maharashtra, India, 423401

About the Dapartment


• Introduction
Physical Education & Sport Department of Swami Muktanand Science College, Yeola is putting its sincere efforts in providing various opportunities to students in various fields along with educational issues. It includes personality development in all spheres of life download league of legends from buff. Game. We have been providing facilities of indoor and outdoor games to our students.
Our Indoor and Outdoor games facilities are:
• Kabaddi
• Kho-Kho
• Football
• Softball
• Netball
• Volleyball
• Throwing events – Shot put, Discus throw, Javelin throw
• Baseball
Apart this facilities, we have Multi Gym facilities for the benefit of students. For all outdoor events, our college has a sufficient playground. We provide sport equipment, facilities, uniform etc. to students. Various kinds of playground are usually prepared for practice, and matches. The best team for matches is selected through regular practice only. Certain terms and conditions are taken in to an account while selecting the team for various events. The selected team first participate into Nasik zone Inter collegiate tournaments followed by Savitribai Phule Pune, University Inter zonal tournaments. Every year, we take part in various events at Inter college level and Inter zonal level and get selected at various levels. Information is being regularly displayed on notice board about tournament programs. We facilitate successful students in Annual prize distribution ceremony by giving trophies, memento, cups, shields, certificates etc. every year. This programme is organized by gymkhana department of our college every year. We organizing Nasik zonal inter collegiate and Savitribai Phule, Pune University Inter zonal tournaments successfully. The practice matches are being held by us in neighboring college usually. Director of physical Education & Sports Prof. A.R. Kumavat has been appointed as a team manager and coach at various types of tournament of Savitribai Phule, Pune University Inter zonal and All India Inter University tournaments of every year.
Scope & Importance of the Subject:
• Sport is about a range of specific activities which involves competition and requires physical conditioning and skills. A good way to define it would be to say, "It is a structured physical activity, usually competitive, that requires complex skills and a high level of individual commitment and motivation.
• Why Are Sports Important? Sports are beneficial for both a child's mental and physical well-being. Not only can sports help to strengthen bones and tone muscles, but they can also help children improve their academic performance and teach them the value of teamwork.
• Keeping active through physical activity and sport has many benefits for the body. Some of these benefits include increased cardiovascular fitness, bone health, decreased risk of obesity, improved sleep, and better coordination and balance.
• Sport can provide the basis for a lifelong participation in regular exercise, and the development of mental and moral qualities, including team spirit, sportsmanship, self-discipline, cooperation, commitment, and competing within a framework of agreed rules. Sport can help channel people's energy and aggression in a controlled and constructive way.
• Physical Education (PE) and sport are closely linked. Whilst Physical Education is a part of the process of education that aims to improve human development and performance through physical activity and Sport is about a range of structured physical activities, the two shared close relationship. Physical education curriculum places great emphasis on sport and team games, in an effort to raise the importance of these in school life.
Both are concerned with physical performance and through them health benefits can be gained; there is the opportunity to push oneself physically and discover strengths and weaknesses about oneself when given challenges or competition. However, there are also differences that set the two apart. Physical education is about the development of the individual, whereas sport is about the development of excellence. Sport is often about winning and success while PE is concerned with preparation for leisure and a healthy lifestyle